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Compassionate Leadership toward

Inner Transformation and Conscious Government

Peace President United Welcomes You Home

Dearest Humanity – Friends!


Step into Peace President United, a Global Movement inspiring and sparking compassionate leadership toward inner transformation, conscious governing, and peaceful coexistence.


Alongside providing necessary and trustworthy guidance toward healing and waking up to the truth of us, our vision is this: To usher in a genuinely transparent, loving, and all inclusive dimension of Conscious Government and peaceful coexistence, beyond division, blame, and conquest.


Join our mutual journey of feeling, healing, and awakening to our greatest potential as we create and actualize a harmonious world we know in our hearts is possible.





What could be more important than asking ourselves these deeply relevant questions? Regardless if you identify as Republican, Democrat, Independent, or whatever, have you had enough divisive and immature politics as usual? Are we finally ready to embrace our most loving and all inclusive human qualities? Are we finally ready to feel, heal, and Awaken?

Sacred Guidance

Sacred Guidance Directory

Sacred Guidance toward Conscious Clarity and Peaceful Coexistence.

Election 2032

The Vision of Peace President toward the future of Conscious Government along with present challenges and potential solutions.

Global Awareness Project

Bringing to awareness important and relevant resources and guidance toward elevating human consciousness.

“If we will not enhance and nurture our planet for ourselves, let us do it for future generations.”

Books by Peace President

Take a Sneak Peek and get on the waiting list to read the latest books by Peace President

Take a sneak peek and get on the waiting list for these titles near completion:


  • Election 2032 – There is Good News!
  • Waking up in Heaven – Healing Core Wounds of Religion by Reclaiming Divine Innocence
  • Telling the Truth – The End of Politics and Rise of Conscious Government


Whether you’re curious about specific guidance, just browsing, or how to get involved, we’re here to answer any questions.