Renewable Energy Resources

There is a limitless supply of energy in the universe and it is up to us to cooperate with each other and lovingly embrace our collective intelligence for the greater good - not merely for profit.

environmental protection, nature, lightbulb-3341942.jpg
Consciously Choosing Renewable Energy is Essential; isn't it?

It is Time to Choose Wisely.

“Until sustainable energy becomes a living reality, then we will continue fighting over our limited resources and maintain a world of conflict in which our children are born. Let us refocus our attention and mental resources toward energy solutions in the same manner we developed the nuclear bomb. It can be done yet we must consciously choose the path of creation and sustainability not division and destruction. That is the way.”  – Peace President

Toward an Understanding of Renewable Energy and Regenerative Resources

Gregg Braden - This Technology Can Revolutionize the Renewable Energy Industry

From a deeply awakened level and in a poignant manner, Gregg Braden does a very accurate job and easy to understand as he explains the facts, benefits, detriments, and processes on present energy sources and future sustainable energy resources and technologies. Furthermore, the country of China is implementing the energy plant and option in which Gregg explains. He also mentioned the future of sustainable energy as arising from the quantum vacuum: Here are some resources: 


Gregg Braden on Clean Energy

Everything You Wanted to Know about Nuclear Energy

Amazing video about the facts of nuclear energy. Is it safe? How dangeous is nuclear power?

The Truth about Nuclear Energy

Yogi Sadhguru Addresses Concerns and Facts on Soil Extinction

Sadhguru, one of the most well known leaders of evolving a Conscious Planet demonstrates the collective urgency in addressing the destruction of Earth’s Topsoil. You can visit the Conscious Planet Movement at:

Sadhguru on Soil Extinction - Our Very Body is Soil