Befriending and Healing Trauma

Discover gentle healing trauma resources, guiding us through the journey of acknowledging our primal innocence while feeling, healing, and awakening, together.

About Our Trauma Resources

Welcome to our comprehensive resource hub for healing individual, collective, and generational trauma. Discover a curated collection of videos, articles, links, and expert insights designed to guide you through the complexities of trauma recovery. Whether you’re seeking to understand personal trauma or the intergenerational effects of past events, our platform provides access to leading psychologists, therapists, and spiritual guides who offer cutting-edge techniques and compassionate support.

Visit the Most Conscious Education Systems on the Planet.

Healing Trauma Directory

Thomas Hubl

“Unresolved past is destiny; it repeats.” “When your nervous system is well-regulated and synchronized, you’re able to participate in life, to be passionate about your work, to relate deeply and skillfully with others, and even to grow and change after traumatizing experiences.”



books: Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds

Peter A. Levine

“I have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma. I believe not only that trauma is curable, but that the healing process can be a catalyst for profound awakening—a portal opening to emotional and genuine spiritual transformation.”  “Although humans rarely die from trauma, if we do not resolve it, our lives can be severely diminished by its effects. Some people have even described this situation as a “living death.” “Animals do not view freezing as a sign of inadequacy or weakness, nor should we.”



books: Waking the Tiger

Julie Brown-Yau

“The flow of breath in your body offers a healing and life-giving presence. Research has demonstrated that conscious breathing is an important component of healing trauma. Conscious breathing is a key for healing and energizing your body and mind.”



books: The Body Awareness Workbook for Trauma

Bessel Van Der Kolk

“Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going on inside ourselves.”



books: The Body Keeps the Score

Amoda Ma

“I invite you to meet yourself in unwavering acceptance and for love to meet itself in awakened awareness. I offer a pointer back home to where love truly is. If you are willing to give yourself to this love unconditionally, you will find that which is truly alive and free. Everything that arises in your mind that obscures this radiant truth is revealed as the habitual mechanism of ego that prevents you from knowing yourself as you are. To see this mechanism playing itself out is the beginning of awakening.”



books: Falling Open in a World Falling Apart

Gabor Mate

“We may not be responsible for the way the world creates our mind, but we can learn to take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world.” “The Myth of Normal is a groundbreaking investigation into the causes of illness, a bracing critique of how our society breeds disease, and a pathway to health and healing.”



books: The Myth of Normal

Complex PTSD Foundation

The CPTSD Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources, support, and education for individuals affected by Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD). It offers a range of services, including daily recovery support calls, educational courses, and a supportive community forum, all designed to help survivors navigate the complexities of their trauma. The foundation’s mission is to bridge gaps in knowledge and care, empowering individuals on their healing journey through expert guidance and compassionate support.



ACA Organization

Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is a global fellowship dedicated to individuals who grew up in dysfunctional families, particularly those affected by alcoholism. ACA provides a supportive community and a 12-step program aimed at helping members heal from the emotional, traumatic, and psychological impacts of their upbringing. Through meetings, literature, and peer support, ACA fosters recovery and personal growth, enabling members to break free from patterns of dysfunction and develop healthier, more fulfilling lives.


books: Adult Children of Alcoholics OR Dysfunctional Families

Comprehensive Healing Techniques and Guidance

Shining A Light Into The Darkness Of Healing Complex Trauma With Lilly Hope Lucario – Survivor, Educator, Writer



books: My Healing from Complex Trauma

Eckhart Tolle

“Nothing real can be threatened.”



books: The Power of Now

6 Ways to Heal from Trauma w/o Medication

In recent years, experts in the study of trauma have been experimenting with ‘new age’ healing mechanisms that are making massive waves for trauma patients. Some of these new healing methods include EDMR, yoga, theater and movement, neural feedback, and even psychedelics. Many of these methods have proven to be more effective than conventional pharmaceuticals.

Secrets to Releasing Trauma from Body

In this video clip from his 2013 Psychotherapy Networker keynote address, “Trauma and the Unspoken Voice of the Body,” trauma expert and bestselling author Peter Levine explains how the body stores the memory of a traumatic event. Featuring a clip from an actual session with a combat veteran, Levine then demonstrates an exercise for releasing trauma from the body.

Spiritual Dimension of Trauma: Julie Yau

Until recently, trauma was thought of as an occurrence from extraordinary events such as acts of terrorism, human rights violation, war, and so forth; yet trauma may occur from any event that overwhelms our capacity to cope, and leaves us unable to recover our sense of connectedness. Trauma is a normal part of life. Trauma often occurs in our early years when we are lacking the necessary resources to fully recover. Early trauma is the constellation that forms the limited self. This limited self continues to recreate itself throughout life, often hidden in the unconscious, until the trauma is resolved.

Trauma & the Unbound Body: Judy Blackstone

Lots of things get passed down from generations – stories, heirlooms, genetic traits – but a new field of study suggests that even trauma can be passed down through a lineage. Learn more about the causes, signs and effects of generational trauma, and how you can overcome some of the negative experiences and traits that may have traveled to you genetically.

Judith’s Website

The Difference between PTSD and C-PTSD

This video describes the difference between PTSD and CPTSD. Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is largely neglected and misunderstood. This video explores the causes, history, and diagnosis of PTSD and CPTSD.

What is Generational Trauma?

Lots of things get passed down from generations – stories, heirlooms, genetic traits – but a new field of study suggests that even trauma can be passed down through a lineage. Learn more about the causes, signs and effects of generational trauma, and how you can overcome some of the negative experiences and traits that may have traveled to you genetically.

Overcome Trauma with Yoga

Bessel van der Kolk, clinical psychiatrist and best-selling author of The Body Keeps the Score, shares how yoga can help you get “unstuck” from the imprints of trauma.
Here is an additional video about 6 ways to heal trauma without medication.

Healing from the Life Long Effects of Trauma

Years of research show that some of the worst health and social problems arise from traumatic childhood experiences, and it is estimated that 2 out of 3 youth will be exposed to trauma before the age of 16. Traumatic childhood experiences have life-long effects and impact important regions of the brain responsible for problem solving, emotion regulation and memory. 

Healing from PTSD, Rupert Spira

In this discussion about healing from PTSD a questioner wants to know if abiding in being is enough to help her heal after a traumatic experience. And what else can she do to calm the nervous system, stop being triggered and to help her deal with the physical symptoms left by the event?

What is Epigenetics?

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED conferences. Because we want to understand what genes are required for blood vessel development, Courtney Griffin studies certain enzymes that help turn genes on and off. These enzymes are specifically involved in relaxing DNA that is normally tightly coiled up in our cells.

New research on survivors of the Holocaust shows how catastrophic events can alter our body chemistry, and how these changes can transmit to the next generation. The result? Our children may suffer the effects of a traumatic event they never witnessed. NewsHour’s Stephen Fee has the story.