About Us

Peace President United is a Global Movement inspiring compassionate leadership toward Inner Transformation, Conscious Government, and Peaceful Coexistence.


Peace President United is an ongoing diligent and compassionate effort to assist in elevating Consciousness both individually and collectively – and inspiring all of us to consciously participate in our own evolution; especially at the level of politics and government. We are here for everyone! And, anyone willingly seeking to wakeup by embracing new dimensions of inner peace, emotional stability, and inclusivity, beyond the current limitations of Humanity, will feel right at home. Our wish is that all beings willingly open to the much needed inner and outer transformation we are yearning.

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Feeling, Healing, and Awakening beyond greed, hatred, and division is a living possibility for us.

The Essence of Peace President

The Essence of Peace President United

Dearest Humanity – Friends!


For thousands of years human beings have been struggling to coexist peacefully. Amid our amazing accomplishments and discoveries indicating we are the most capable life form on the planet, we have evolved a world where conflict and war seem to have unconsciously run awry in our experience. For those willingly interested in reorienting our attention away from socially acceptable self defeating norms, and discovering everlasting fulfillment and peaceful coexistence, the inevitability of surrendering to the laws of life have never been more obvious than now. Change is inevitable! In fact, everything is already always changing, yet it is our very resistance to inner Transformation holding us back. 


Since we have historical records proving it, civilizations have been rising and falling since the beginning of human experience. The law of impermanence subjects us – everyone – to this ongoing reality – that nothing stays the same, regardless of how deeply we want to hold onto our ideas, identities, and belief systems. In other words, we seem to be lost in the survival process and allowing fear of change to limit the truth of us. That is to say, we have somehow become deeply identified with egoic energies of self preservation rooted in fear and unworthiness, and not aware those energies are maintaining political and national division, and self destructive patterns.


In order to give rise to conscious governing, the time for inner transformation has arisen – to transcend the illusion of separation and unworthiness – not for one being or organization or government, but for all of us. We must wake up from our unconscious trance of egoic compulsions, illusory fear, and discover the joyous, inclusive, and non conflicted truth of us within. However, practically speaking, it seems we must first engage a new depth of self honesty which will open our eyes to not only the profound realities of ourselves, but alarming societal trends; for instance population growth, producing weapons of mass destruction, and food regeneration.


Due to unconscious procreation as the increasing population of the human species which doubled in the last 50 years from 4 billion to almost 8 billion, we are witnessing our most primal instincts emerging as dominance and conquest. Within that paradigm of self preservation living in mostly survival mode, there appears to be an ongoing mental and emotional virus of fear and unworthiness growing in the collective; for instance, the USA spends over 700 billion dollars of tax dollars annually on weapons of mass destruction and other military related expenses as we continue allowing destructive farming practices to destroy our topsoil essential for growing food. I ask you this:


Does a country that misappropriates that much money away from more humanitarian issues and providing basic human needs to its citizens portray a nation living in fear or loving fearlessly?


Most everyone on the planet is aware that a conscious shift in our individual perspectives and at the level of government is more relevant than ever before. Aren’t we? Therefore, let us open our hearts and minds to what we naturally understand as the inherent sacred wisdom we are, this:


The peaceful joyous inner and outer world we are yearning is a possibility when we somehow get out of our own way, both personally and collectively, by welcoming transformation.

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Sacred Guidance

Sacred Guidance Directory

Sacred Guidance toward Conscious Clarity and Peaceful Coexistence.

Election 2032

The Vision of Peace President toward the future of Conscious Government along with present challenges and potential solutions.

Global Awareness Project

Bringing to awareness important and relevant resources and guidance toward elevating human consciousness.

To those willingly open to inner and outer transformation, you will most likely find our timeless endeavor uplifting, inspiring, and very relevant.

Peace President