Elect Peace President

There is GOOD NEWS!

A Message From Peace President

Dear Friends, Fellow Human Beings,


Let this be clear: The USA is an amazing place that we have the honor of calling the land of the free. A small, yet remarkable piece of Earth that we call Home. An amazing opportunity where we get to discover our greatest potential and possibilities, when we get out of our own way, when we stop judging ourselves, fighting one another, and creating divisions.


Our obviously divisive current state of affairs demands a paradigm shift—a departure from narratives of blame and finger-pointing that only breeds more hatred and animosity. In an era marred by confusion, division, corruption, and pervasive blame within almost every political faction, be it Republican, Democratic, or otherwise – where there appears to be no obvious choices to elect as president regardless of your political identity –  it becomes increasingly evident that we must transcend the limitations of cultural programming, generational traditions, and outdated political structures no longer serving us.


What we urgently require is leadership that goes beyond party lines, fostering compassionate understanding over aggression and blame. I am speaking of true all inclusive unity rather than clever words, unfulfilled promises, manipulation, and dominance and coercion tactics. I am speaking of leadership that genuinely endeavors to understand where you are coming from and the underlying philosophies and beliefs of your political group identity. And, what you really feel in your heart would best serve the overall well-being of everyone.


It is time to re-envision our approach, to open our minds and hearts to a new kind of conscious leadership and governance—one that unites rather than divides, inspiring genuine unity and collective progress. One that actually tells the truth. One you can honestly trust. Is there such an option for us? The answer is YES!

Why choose Peace President in 2032?

The Essence of Peace President

YES! There is GOOD NEWS!

Indeed, there is a viable option for us, and it manifests in the concept of the “Peace President.” Peace President represents a departure from the divisive patterns ingrained in traditional politics and social structures. It is a symbol of conscious leadership, one that transcends ALL party affiliations and prioritizes transparency, self honesty, compassionate understanding, open-mindedness, and conscious power, in lieu of unconscious divisive force, division, aggression, and blame. This option does not seek to tell you what you want to hear in order to get elected, but to humbly share the truth, even if it is uncomfortable. I am speaking of a healing and liberating strength, not imposed with divisive and fear-based force, but true power, the power of awareness and grace; the power of being acknowledged for who you are; to be seen; to be heard; to be understood – true power – the power of All Inclusiveness!


Peace President is genuinely interested in understanding your concerns and perspectives, regardless if you identify as Democratic, Republican, Independent, or what have you. This alternative approach seeks to dissolve the barriers that have perpetuated discord, immaturity, unnecessary division, and animosity for decades to centuries, offering a solution to the prevailing challenges in our political, governmental, and social landscapes. By embracing the principles embodied by Peace President, we open the door to a transformative and harmonious era, where collective progress for the majority takes precedence over partisan divides and corporate greed. A truly conscious era where we invite True Spirituality into our lives versus religious manipulation. A transformative time where we will feel honestly proud of the nation, values, and systems we are leaving to our children and grandchildren. 


It is time to willingly choose a path that removes all divisive obstacles and inspires a shared vision of all-inclusiveness, unity, and love, as we realize a genuinely United States together; instead of continuing to manifest a divisive nation we have become far too complacent with.



Peace President

PS. See Peace President’s Vision Statement Here, Now.

Sacred Guidance

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Sacred Guidance toward Conscious Clarity and Peaceful Coexistence.

Election 2032

The Vision of Peace President toward the future of Conscious Government along with present challenges and potential solutions.

Global Awareness Project

Bringing to awareness important and relevant resources and guidance toward elevating human consciousness.

To those willingly open to inner and outer transformation, you will most likely find our timeless endeavor uplifting, inspiring, and very relevant.

Peace President