The Art of Communication

Part of allowing ourselves to grow, mature, and awaken as conscious human beings is by embracing the Art of Communication and Conscious Listening.

Non Violent Communication and Art of Attentive Listening

Dear Friends,


Recently, I have spoken to several people on the topic  of personal accountability, which many years ago offered a depth of conscious clarity that changed my life, profoundly. With great willingness to understand the processes of mind and discover insights to help with enhancing my communication skills, I remember asking myself a few questions: “Do I say what I mean?” “Do I mean what I am saying?” and “Do I actually do what I say I am going to do or just merely spewing unconscious words in order to feel liked and validated.” 


Through deep self inquiry, various forms of inner seeking, and contemplative meditation, I became aware that during communication with others that I was mostly NOT genuinely listening. My mind was more concerned with what it wanted to say and less interested in truly connecting with the so called other. That insight illuminated how unavailable, unconscious, and disconnected I had become; not only from others, but from myself – the inherent reality of Self which is not capable of disconnection or separation.


However, in what I consider to be something most everyone is at least intellectually aware – that being a good listener is beneficial to enhancing ones communication potential and relating with fellow humans – we often are lost in reactive and compulsive mind chatter, instead of truly listening or observing. What also became illuminated through what I call Sacred Processes like meditation, was how violent or hate-based my thoughts had become toward myself; for instance: the constant mental programming of not being good enough, not doing ‘it’ good enough, and not being a ‘good’ enough person, no matter what I did, said, believed, identified with, or accomplished.


I further discovered that the automatic noise of mind was being projected onto others as any variety of accusations, criticism, and blame. Little did I know until the awareness blossomed that the conditioning of mind and learned self oppression was sabotaging communication, relationships, and a life more in line with overall wellbeing, peace, ease, and grace.


The videos below are a few of the most poignant offerings of rudimentary practical enlightenment I have ever listened.  Whether or not you think, feel, or know your ability to consciously listen, communicate, and relate could be enhanced in either business, personal life, or both, I highly recommend everyone to take a moment and consciously engage your focus and attention. Enjoy.


With Loving Compassion,


Peace President

A Mindful Approach to Non-violent Communication

Oren Jay Sofer has dedicated his life to enhancing conscious clarity around communication, and offers some of the most relevant and poignant guidance necessary to actualize peaceful coexistence.

Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Non-Violent Communication by Oren Jay Sofer

Be Impeccable with Your Words

This beautiful video based upon the Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz’ book, “The Four Agreements,” is beautifully distilled to illuminate the relevance and essence of communication, self honesty, and integrity.

Be Impeccable with Your Words through the Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz

Amazing Insights about the Art of Listening

Julian Treasure shares amazing and compassionate insights about the diminishing ability to hold attention in today’s fast paced society and over stimulating environments which is contributing to conflict and relational challenges.

Four Words You should Never Use by Julian Treasure