Global Disarmament Initiative

Nuclear Weapons are Illegal but you Probably didn't know.

What does not make sense about this image?

Nuclear Weapons are Illegal but You Probably didn't Know

Important Preface

“Attempting to live fulfilling, peaceful, and joyous lives amid the looming threat and fear of nuclear war has created an undercurrent of desperation, bullying, and division for generations; and total misprioritization of human energy and financial potential. It is time to move on.”

– Peace President

About Global Disarmament and Getting Involved

Nuclear weapons have been illegal since the Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) went into effect a year ago, on January 22, 2021.


The treaty bans the development, testing, production, manufacture, acquisition, possession or stockpiling, transfer, use or threat to use, stationing or deployment of nuclear weapons for any purpose.  


In 2017, 122 nations voted to approve the treaty.  86 nations have signed the treaty. It entered into force 90 days after the 50th nation (Honduras) ratified it, just under a year ago.  There are now 59 ratifications.


But the nine nuclear weapons nations, including the U.S., refused to sign.  Not having signed, the TPNW does not apply to these 9 nuclear weapons states!  YET.  So there is more to be done.




We want the U.S. to sign and ratify the TPNW treaty.  Of course, doing so is hard for us, because it means admitting that nuclear weapons aren’t necessary (perhaps were never necessary), and the $ trillions spent on them over the last 75+ years were a mistake.

Our elected officials need to know that we citizens want our country to stand with the rest of the world for safety from nuclear weapons.  One step we can take is to get our towns and cities to pledge their solidarity. Or, contact your state and national governing officials.


This is a wonderful tool for contacting our current governing officials:

Informational Videos toward Peaceful Coexistence

Alarming Facts about the Destructive Power of Nuclear Weapons

Today nine nations collectively control more than 15,000 nuclear weapons, each hundreds of times more powerful than those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We don’t need more nuclear weapons; we need a new generation to face the unfinished challenge of disarmament started decades ago. Nuclear reformer Erika Gregory calls on today’s rising leaders — those born in a time without Cold War fears and duck and cover training — to pursue an ambitious goal: ridding the world of nuclear weapons by 2045.

The world doesn't need more nuclear weapons by Erika Gregory

Marianne Williamson: We need a U.S. Department of Peace

Former US Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson is one of the few individuals speaking at the political level about adopting foundational changes is government such as creating a U.S. Department of Peace.

Marianne Williamson Interview on Peace and Change

Sadhguru's Fearless & Honest Speech about World Peace

Sadhguru is one of the most influential voices for the upliftment of humanity, all inclusive wellbeing, and soil regeneration. #savesoil He has created the Institute for inner sciences and can learn about his foundation at

Sadhguru's Fearless & Honest Speech about World Peace

The Insanity of Nuclear Deterence

When nuclear-armed nations face off, the threat of mutually assured destruction is expected to keep the worst from happening. But is this a rational strategy? Or is it one that is doomed to failure? In this eye-opening and powerful talk, Commander Robert Green shares his experience piloting nuclear-armed aircraft — and his shift to becoming a staunch opponent of nuclear deterrence. 

Robert Green speaks on the Insanity of Nuclear Weapons

Modern Folk Song toward Ending the War Machine Idea

Michael & Nell premier their powerful new music video WAR MACHINE that exposes the link between war and climate change.

Resources and Organizations toward Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

World Beyond War Organization

“A Global Movement to End All Wars.”


The United Nations on Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

“International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons | 26 September”


Wikipedia on Nuclear Disarmament

“Nuclear disarmament is the act of reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons.”


ICAN - International Campaign to End Nuclear Weapons

“ICAN is a coalition of non-governmental organizations in one hundred countries.”
