Nature First Initiative

Topsoil is a living breathing organism consisting of trillions of microorganisms living in harmony, and without it we cannot grow food or sustain life on Earth. Let us Wake up now!

What is the Nature First Initiative?

The Nature First Initiative is a Global Movement to establish Ecology, Nature Based Learning, Soil Health, Soil Regeneration, and Outdoor Education as top priorities at every level of our education systems. That means this: we must actively and consciously work toward policy changes at the level of government that emphasize the importance of making ecology and soil regeneration a primary part of our life and world.


Fundamentally, it seems we have lost contact with the very source of life, nature. We are nature, and it is time to support our children and grandchildren (our future generations) by empowering them to get outdoors instead of locking them in classrooms. It is time to shift our coping mechanisms and self defeating modes of entertainment from video games, social media, competition, and television, which are dominating our lives, to more earth friendly and conscious initiatives and actions. The time for change towards inner and outer wellbeing is always now.


There is good news! We are the change we are seeking in the world!

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Join the Save Soil Movement Now

Did You Know?

Dearest Humanity,
Did you know that topsoil is very much like a living breathing organism consisting of trillions and zillions of microorganisms? And, there is ONLY 37 inches of Earth’s Topsoil – the only soil capable of growing food? And, that the majority of farming practices are scorching and damaging the soil? Did you know that over half of Earth’s topsoil has degraded and damaged to nearly desert like dirt incapable of growing food? The simple formula is this:
Sand plus microorganisms and organic matter equals soil capable of growing food. And, soil minus microorganisms equal sand which cannot grow food.
Several hundred Top Scientists in the world today project there are only about 80 to 100 harvest seasons left or 50 to 60 years left to grow food, unless we change. That means ONLY 60 YEARS we can grow food! We must invite new possibilities for Human Civilization to consciously and peacefully thrive. Below you will find helpful videos and links illuminating our ecological challenges, urgent matters, and how we can change.
On a Personal Note
For years I had been living in denial of many natural laws of life, both survival based and existentially. I would avoid taking a look at collective challenges because I was unconsciously caught up in my own egoistic personal agendas rooted in competition, survival, and self preservation.
The good news is this: somehow thanks to Sacred Processes of Awakening, conscious clarity arose within my experience as to my innocent ignorance, arrogance, greed, and denial to the truth of everlasting fulfillment, peace, and joy. The level of clarity I am speaking started with a new dimension of self honesty, compassionate open mindedness, and willingly embracing an attitude of absolute inclusion versus divisive exclusion. Amid the willingness to walk through illusory fear of change and inner transformation – in order to embrace conscious clarity beyond socially acceptable self destructive habits – habits like counterproductive farming practices, my eyes began opening to many personal and collective patterns no longer serving myself, humanity, or the planet. In a way, those insights have greatly inspired this section of Peace President’s Global Awareness Project.
Important Questions to Ask Ourselves
Where does our biological means of experiencing life come from; that is to ask, what comprises our body? Answer: Food. AND, where does food come from? The grocery? OR the Earth? AND, what part of the Earth grows our food? Answer: The soil. Or, more specifically, the 37 inches of topsoil on the planet which is turning to desert or sand. Last Question: Are you interested in leaving our Earth Home in a more suitable condition than it is now – for our children? For Ourselves?
The Sacred Topsoil of our home planet Earth is home to trillions and zillions of microorganisms which provide and sustain the necessary environment for biodiversity of all life on Earth and means for growing food edible for human consumption. So let us ask ourselves this: If the main ingredient for growing food is being systematically destroyed by our own hands, because we are more concerned with entertainment and consumerism, does is sound like a good idea to become aware how our food supply is in jeopardy?
Willingly Opening to Insights and Conscious Clarity
Let us embrace a new dimension of loving kindness so we can collectively do something about our ecological situation before its too late for future generations – our children. Let us no longer continue turning a blind eye to our practical responsibilities as a member of team Earth, as I had been doing for the majority of my life. It is time. Please, take a heartfelt moment and look at the videos below.
As Loving Understanding,
Peace President

Topsoil Extinction: Is our food supply dying? You decide...

Narrated by Woody Harrelson, this documentary details the systematic desertification of Earth’s Topsoil. (Desertification means when fertile soil which can grow food turns into sand like dirt incapable of growing food.) You can watch the full motion picture on Netflix here:
Sadhguru, one of the most well known leaders of evolving a Conscious Planet demonstrates the collective urgency in addressing the destruction of Earth’s Topsoil. You can visit the Conscious Planet Movement at:
Allan Savory, world leader in Holistic Management and planet conservation, shares his experience and evidence for climate change solutions.
Published on the United Nations (UN) ecology blog, this video addresses the importance of maintaining and nurturing biodiversity of Earth Topsoil.
Our soils support 95 percent of all food production, and by 2060, our soils will be asked to give us as much food as we have consumed in the last 500 years. They filter our water. They are one of our most cost-effective reservoirs for sequestering carbon. They are our foundation for biodiversity. And they are vibrantly alive, teeming with 10,000 pounds of biological life in every acre. Yet in the last 150 years, we’ve lost half of the basic building block that makes soil productive.
To de-risk adoption of soil health management systems, the Soil Health Institute (SHI) and its partners are implementing a comprehensive approach that addresses the needs of farmers. This includes establishing the business case for soil health, developing credible soil health measurements, implementing training and education programs, and quantifying the ecosystem services of increased adoption of soil health promoting practices to inform policy and drive market demand.
The farm bill connects the food on our plates, the farmers and ranchers who produce that food, and the natural resources – our soil, air and water – that make growing food possible. The farm bill is a package of legislation passed roughly once every five years that has a tremendous impact on farming livelihoods, how food is grown, and what kinds of foods are grown. Covering programs ranging from crop insurance for farmers to healthy food access for low-income families, from beginning farmer training to support for sustainable farming practices, the farm bill sets the stage for our food and farm systems.
For more information visit:
This short video provides an overview of the work and mandate of the Food and Agriculture Organization. Director-General José Graziano da Silva states that “FAO is here for everybody. Our mandate is as necessary today as it was back in 1945. Ensuring food for all. Ensuring everybody’s right to food.” This video explores how the Organization is working to provide good, nutritious food for everyone, towards our shared goal of becoming the ‘Zero Hunger Generation.’

Getting Honest about Climate Crisis

Well…it has been about 40 years now that Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States has been forging a path of awakening in regards to climate change. I recently watched both of his Flims, and once again, humility illuminated itself because I recall decades of allowing arrogance, fear, and denial to misdirect my attention away from important matters. Forinstance: the fact of Humanity’s destructive affects on Home Planet Earth. Not only did humility deepen and softened my heart, the ongoing apathy of society brought up some frustration as well.
iceland, ice bergs, sea-3582765.jpg
Yes. It is true. Ice bergs are melting at an alarming rate due to increasing global temperatures.

I remember watching his first movie years ago, “An Inconvenient Truth,” which is quite possibly one of the most relevant documentary films of our times, and laughed at Al Gore; because I was caught up in the memes and unconscious stories and collective and personal denial. I thought is was another BS ploy of government, again! Yet, the truth of my ignorance was deeper. I was more interested in servicing my false sense of self through self images and self concepts rather than waking up to reality and practical facts of peaceful and non destructive coexistence. Perhaps, since Al Gore is no longer in Politics, the ongoing untrusting nature of government is no longer a stigma and unjust bias toward him.


You might say this: Finally, I got out of my own way both psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Thanks to self honesty, forgiveness, questioning core beliefs and assumptions, generational traditions, and both personal and cultural identities, I began noticing what Al Gore was pointing towards; thank goodness! 


Personal and Collective denial has proven time and time again to be unproductive and quite literally destructive and conflict ridden. On that note, given the overwhelming global statistics of increasing floods, melting of life sustaining ice bergs, mud slides, tornadoes, tsunamis, and hurricanes, I encourage everyone to take the time to watch the following films.

Per the United Nations, “Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels.” Of course, destroying our forests and topsoil are main contributors. WATCH full movie for FREE on youtube here:
Per the United Nations, “Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels.” Of course, destroying our forests and topsoil are main contributors. rent and WATCH full movie on amazon or youtube here:

The Paris Agreement toward Reducing Global Warming

Beautiful and compassionate plea to address global warming worldwide through the Paris Agreement.
Climate change is a global emergency that goes beyond national borders. It is an issue that requires international cooperation and coordinated solutions at all levels. To tackle climate change and its negative impacts, world leaders at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris reached a breakthrough on 12 December 2015: the historic Paris Agreement. (from: )