Homeschooling Resources

Homeschooling could be the most honest way to help children maintain their love of learning, their creativity, their ability to think critically and their freedom to become who they were meant to be.

Why Homeschooling is Amazing?

Why Choose Homeschooling?

In today’s world, homeschooling stands as a beacon, preserving a child’s innate love for learning, fostering creativity, nurturing critical thinking skills, and honoring the path of self-discovery. It champions the notion that each child is unique, with the right to explore passions freely and learn in a way that resonates with their individuality. And recognizes the importance of granting children the freedom to explore their passions and learn at their own pace, steering away from the confines of standardized tests. In contrast to standardized testing, which often stifles genuine understanding, homeschooling values authentic, long-term learning experiences. 

Visit the Most Conscious Education Models on the Planet.

Beyond academics, homeschooling is evolving to accommodate the dynamic structure of modern families, where parents increasingly collaborate, each contributing one day a week to the teaching process while balancing their professional commitments. This innovative approach not only ensures a personalized and relevant learning experience but also opens the door to incorporating Sacred Processes like meditation, yoga, and nature-based learning into the curriculum. Homeschooling becomes a holistic journey, honoring the uniqueness of each child and promoting an education deeply interconnected with their individuality and the wonders of the natural world.


Homeschooling allows children to engage genuinely with subject matter beyond life constricting, coercive cultural conditioning, and maladaptive social programming, by creating an environment where education becomes a meaningful and relevant aspect of their lives, empowering them to become who they are meant to be.

All You Need to Know to Start Homeschooling

The NHSA is the national headquarters for home schooling in America. Aside from our many advisors and associates, we are a dedicated team of seasoned homeschoolers that are determined to maintain the NHSA’s position as the epicenter of the home schooling movement. The NHSA provides comprehensive support, programs, activities, and resources to the nationwide community of homeschoolers.

Learn all about NHSA Now.


The National Homeschool Legal Defense Association passionately advocates for the freedom to homeschool and offers support for every stage of your homeschool journey. We believe every child is unique, that children should learn in ways that meet their needs, and that you want the best for your child. Homeschooling gives you the freedom to personalize their education so they can realize their true potential.
In the face of traditional education’s limitations, an increasing number of parents are embracing homeschooling as a transformative alternative. The reasons are diverse but often revolve around the desire for a customized and student-centric learning experience. Homeschooling offers flexibility, allowing parents to tailor the curriculum to their child’s needs, pace, and interests. This approach fosters a love of learning, encourages critical thinking, and facilitates a deeper connection between the child and their education. As parents seek more holistic and individualized educational paths, homeschooling emerges as a powerful means to nurture a child’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth.

Isha Yoga for Children offers a unique possibility for every child to experience a joyful blossoming of their natural potential. Isha Yoga celebrates the natural gifts within every child, including wonder and a sense of oneness with life. The program introduces simple yoga for children, led through an exploration of fun, love and joy, allowing each child to develop and live in optimal health and inner peace. It is offered by Isha Foundation teachers, trained under the guidance of Sadhguru.

Learn about Yoga for Kids Now.

Additional Homeschooling Resources

Homeschool Life Magazine: home/school life helps secular homeschool families navigate (and maybe even love!) homeschooling middle school and high school by demystifying the process, decolonizing the curriculum, and digging into the good stuff, so that we can all worry less and have more fun during the best years of homeschooling.
Healthy Just Breathe. The Importance of Meditation Breaks for Kids.

Our kids’ brains are tired, and children of all ages really need opportunities where they can take time out each day “unplugged” to relax and focus. Meditation offers this break and helps kids function more effectively and clearly.