Practical Living Resources

Imagine breaking from from cultural norms that have taught us to oppress our natural expression and inner freedom...

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Consciously choosing to get into the Natural Environment is Healing

Are you Living to Your Fullest Possibility?

Dearest Humanity,

One of the most amazing experiences of my life was leaving the ‘rat race’ and moving to an intentional community which operated as a Retreat Center geared for spiritual awakening. That time was amazingly liberating although painful as many layers of maladapted cultural traditions, and self defeating family patterns deemed socially acceptable fell away. Little did I know that the idea of ‘who’ I thought I was was built upon an illusory foundation of ‘me=ness’ and ‘other-ness.’ That is to say, I discovered more of the truth of myself – of us – when I surrendered to genuinely and consciously taking the leap towards self realization; and becoming willingly interested in why Humanity continues struggling.


As Compassionate Encouragement to live the life you truly know in your heart is possible,


Peace President 

Liberating Opportunities to Break Free of Cultural Norms

How to Live Anywhere in the World for Free?

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Organizations such as WWOOF, World Wide Opportunities to work on Organic Farms, is the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world to live, learn, and work on Farms at not  financial cost. Other networks offer resources and directories to camp for free.

Intentional Communities of Like-minded Beings

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Among many uplifting trends growing in the world today are Intentional Communities where groups of like minded people come together and live communally based upon common goals and principles.  ​

Time Banking - A New Kind of Currency

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Wiki states: “In economics, a time-based currency is an alternative currency or exchange system where the unit of account is the person-hour or some other time unit. Some time-based currencies value everyone’s contributions equally: one hour equals one service credit. In these systems, one person volunteers to work for an hour for another person; thus, they are credited with one hour, which they can redeem for an hour of service from another volunteer.”