Relevant Documentary Films

Documentary films have become one of the most important resources for providing insights, facts, and clarity to better understand the challenges and wonders of the contemporary world of today.

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Videos toward an Understanding of Humanity's Confusion and Wonder

Let us truly begin allowing ourselves to open to new and exciting solutions to the many important social issues and challenges we are creating


The time is now for opening our minds and hearts to new information, ideas, and resources in order to help us consciously participate in our own evolution. Enjoy!

Understanding the ongoing Confusing and Unsettling Shift of World Power

When we here things like, “New World Order” or “Changing in World Order” we may be thinking conspiracy theory or stuff like that. This film is not about any silliness or trueness of conspiracy theories, but takes research from the last 500 years to accurately and diligently portray the obvious cycles of the rise and fall of power, governments, and civilizations. However, this film does not address the underlying foundation issue of separation as a result of collective ego consciousness. The point of including this film is so that we can become aware that these cycles are insane and that there must be another way to coexist. I implore there is another way: to feel, heal, and awaken.

The Four Pillars of Decentralized Society by Johann Gevors

This Tedx Talk shares wonderful information about our intermediary step of centralized societies back to our more natural state of coexistence as decentralized governing.

Yogi Sadhguru Addresses Concerns and Facts on Soil Extinction

Sadhguru, one of the most well known leaders of evolving a Conscious Planet demonstrates the collective urgency in addressing the destruction of Earth’s Topsoil. You can visit the Conscious Planet Movement at:

Movie: Samadhi - Part One "Maya, the Illusion of self"

This movie is one of the best films ever made in our contemporary existence pointing towards the practical aspects leading to suffering, conflict, and violence in the world; all of which arising from the core illusion that every being is somehow a separate self, apart from the whole of existence. Blending amazing imagery and ancient and modern wisdom, this film offers the most amazing insights into understanding the ongoing self defeating nature of the human condition. You can find parts two through four at the YouTube channel of AwakenTheWorldFilm at

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