Regenerative Economics

Regenerative Economics relies on incorporating Universal Principles into the Field of Economics.

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Regenerative Economics toward Overall Well-being

Dear Friends,


It really seems like we have become overly dismissive of the home in which all lives thrive and procreate – Home Planet Earth. It is as if we have become complacent living on autopilot – an unconscious and highly limiting mode which rarely asks these important questions: what are we doing, really? Where are we headed, really? What is actually happening, really?


It appears in our contemporary age that economics, personal finances, and monetary power, is affecting our choices more than ever. That is to say we may not be aware that our present system of economics rarely considers long term effects beyond the bottom line of financial profit. The industrial revolution has grown so rapidly that we are overlooking the natural evolution of managing societies through Regenerative Economics that embrace Universal Principles toward overall well-being.

What is Regenerative Economics?

Taken directly from Wikipedia: “Regenerative economics is an economic system that works to regenerate capital assets. A capital asset is an asset that provides goods and/or services that are required for, or contribute to, our well-being. In standard economic theory, one can either “regenerate” one’s capital assets or consume them until the point where the asset cannot produce a viable stream of goods and/or services. What sets regenerative economics apart from standard economic theory is that it takes into account and gives hard economic value to the principal or original capital assets — the earth and the sun. We cannot do much to affect the sun although we can value access to the sun in such areas where access can be influenced. 


Therefore, most of Regenerative Economics focuses on the earth and the goods and services it supplies.  Regenerative economics is completely comfortable within the capitalist economic framework. Recognizing the earth as the original capital asset places the true value on the human support system known as the environment. Not having this original value properly recognized has created the unsustainable economic condition referred to as uneconomic growth…(Uneconomic Growth is economic growth that reflects or creates a decline in the quality of life.)” article from:,to%2C%20our%20well%2Dbeing.


Let us open our hearts and minds unto universal guiding principles and laws of life that are complimentary and enhance quality of life – not only for ourselves, but future generations, and home planet earth. It is time to make fair, just, equal, and regenerative economics a reality.


With Loving Compassion and Understanding,


Peace President

Understanding Inclusive and Regenerative Economics

John Fullerton and Thomas Hubl discuss Regenerative Economics and Higher Consciousness

“In this first of a four-part series, Fullerton and Hübl discuss the “Universal Patterns & Principles of Regenerative Economics.” By learning to recognize the invisible blueprint underlying both living systems and cultural systems, we become able to exercise a new level of “response-ability” – the ability to respond to the urgent challenges humanity is facing.” Here is part 1 of 4 in this video series.

Could the transformation of finance save the planet? Thomas Hübl & John Fullerton

Yogi Sadhguru speaks about embracing Collaboration in lieu of Competition

Sadhguru, one of the most well known leaders of evolving a Conscious Planet speaks about the importance of embracing collaboration and the inherent challenges of competition. You can visit his website at or the Conscious Planet Movement at:

Don't Compete, Collaborate by Sadhguru

Charles Eisenstein on Sacred Economics

“If you want a convincing account of just how deep the shift in our new axial age is and must be, look no further than this brilliant book by Charles Eisenstein, one of the deepest integrative thinkers active today.” – Michel Bauwens, founder of the P2P Foundation.

Sacred Economics with Charles Eisenstein

Sadhguru on Leadership, Inclusive Economics, and more.

Sadhguru, one of the most well known leaders of the Save Soil Movement speaks about the Conscious Leadership and Inclusive Economics. You can visit his website at or the Conscious Planet Movement at:

Changing Leadership and Business by Sadhguru

Sadhguru on the only Business is Human Wellbeing

Sadhguru, one of the most well known leaders of the Save Soil Movement speaks to business people about the business of perception and human wellbeing. You can visit his website at or the Conscious Planet Movement at:

Changing Leadership and Business by Sadhguru

Informative Articles and Resources on Economics

This is a link to an article by about sharing the world’s resources. Definitely, the article is moving in the right direction of dispelling myths about economic principles.

Read Article Here