World Peace Advocates

The Earth is our Home. Not for just one person or country, but all of us.

peace, dove, mankind-7044916.jpg
One Earth. One Home. One Humanity.

What is World Peace, Anyway?

The notion or possibility of World peace transcends a mere absence of conflict; it is an audacious ideal requiring us to break free from ingrained social conditioning and personal biases. Beyond geopolitical treaties, it beckons us to envision a state of collective serenity where inner harmony extinguishes the flames of external discord. To understand world peace is to embrace a possibility that surpasses the boundaries of divisive beliefs and prejudices, creating a space for genuine unity.


At its core, world peace challenges us to dismantle the walls of separation erected by personal and societal biases. It urges introspection, pushing us to confront inner conflicts that manifest as external divisions. By shedding the shackles of blame and relinquishing untrue belief systems rooted in separation and dominance, we pave the way for a harmonious coexistence.


World peace invites us to reimagine our interconnectedness and shared humanity, fostering an environment where compassion triumphs over prejudice. It is a transformative journey, compelling us to discard preconceived notions and cultivate a global ethos of understanding and collaboration. As we embark on this collective endeavor, we recognize that world peace is not a distant utopia but an achievable reality—one that necessitates a profound shift in consciousness and a commitment to unity beyond borders.

Explore How to Get Involved with the World Peace Movement

Peace Pilgrim

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.”


May Peace Prevail on Earth International

“May Peace Prevail on Earth International is is a global movement dedicated to promoting peace and harmony worldwide. It is the creator of the Peace Pole Project, a grassroots initiative that involves installing tall, slender poles or monuments inscribed with the message “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in various languages.”


Peace Action

“Peace Action is a national, grassroots organization committed to organizing a powerful peace movement.”


Peace Organizations Directory

Compliments of Wikipedia, discover many peace advocacy groups throughout the world.


World Beyond War Organization

“A Global Movement to End All Wars.”


International Peace Institute

The International Peace Institute is an independent, non-profit organization working to strengthen inclusive multilateralism for a more peaceful and sustainable planet. 


Search Engine for U.S. Bills and Laws

“Official U.S. Congressional Tracking System”


Advocating for a U.S. Department of Peace

Imagine a country who has a Department of War that spends over 700 billion dollars on military related expenses annually….? I am speaking of the U.S.A. Perhaps it is time to ask this question: Why is there a U.S. Department of War and not a U.S. Department of Peace? Now ask yourself this: Which department has a better chance at cultivating the peaceful world we want for ourselves and children? That is your answer.


The following is taken directly from Wikipedia: “The Peace Alliance[10] and the Student Peace Alliance[11] organizations support the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace. Both are national nonprofit organizations and independent grassroots political movements that operate autonomously. The ongoing movement is supported by several members of Congress, the late former CBS Evening News anchor Walter Cronkite and author Marianne Williamson. Also joining the increasing list of national endorsements are Yoko OnoJoaquin PhoenixFrances Fisher and Willie Nelson. This movement actively lobbies for the endorsements of congressional leaders and is active in soliciting and receiving a growing list of bipartisan endorsements from city councils in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico and Ohio. Local grassroots chapters have been formed in all 50 states.”

Amazing Facts and History of Supporters for U.S. Department of Peace

 The peace movement in the United States has a proposed legislative history that dates to the first years of the republic: (The information in this section was taken directly from Wikipedia.)

1793: Benjamin RushFounding Father (signer of the Declaration of Independence).

1925: Carrie Chapman Catt, founder of the League of Women Voters.

1926/1927Kirby Page, author of A National Peace Department.

1935: Senator Matthew M. Neely (D-West Virginia) wrote and introduced the first bill calling for the creation of a United States Department of Peace. Reintroduced in 1937 and 1939.

1943: Senator Alexander Wiley (R-Wisconsin) spoke on the Senate floor calling for the United States of America to become the first government in the world to have a secretary of peace.

1945: Representative Louis Ludlow (D-Indiana) re-introduced a bill, S. 1237,[5] to create a United States Department of Peace.

1946: Senator Jennings Randolph (D-West Virginia) re-introduced a bill to create a United States Department of Peace.

1947: Representative Everett Dirksen (R-Illinois) introduced a bill for “A Peace Division in the State Department”.

1955 to 1968: Eighty-five Senate and House of Representative bills were introduced calling for a United States Department of Peace.[6]

1969: Senator Vance Hartke (D-Indiana) and Representative Seymour Halpern (R-New York) re-introduced bills to create a U.S. Department of Peace in the House of Representatives and the Senate. The 14 Senate cosponsors of S. 953, the “Peace Act”,[included Birch Bayh (D-IN), Robert Byrd (D-WV), Alan Cranston (D-CA), Daniel Inouye (D-HI) and Edmund Muskie (D-ME). The 67 House cosponsors included Ed Koch of New York, Donald Fraser of Minnesota, and Abner Mikva of Illinois, as well as Republican Pete McCloskey of California.

1979: Senator Spark Matsunaga (D-Hawaii) re-introduced a bill, S. 2103, “Department of Peace Organization Act of 1979” to create a U.S. Department of Peace.[9]

2001: Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) introduced BILL H.R.808 to create a U.S. Department of Peace. A version of this bill was introduced in each session of Congress from 2001 to 2011.

2007: The bill was cosponsored by 76 members of Congress in 2007.

2008: In July 2008, the first Republican cosponsor, Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) signed on to BILL H.R.808.

2005: Senator Mark Dayton (D-Minnesota) introduced legislation in the Senate to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace a week after Dennis Kucinich introduced a similar bill in the House.

2011 – 2012:  BILL H.R.808 to Establish a U.S. Department of Peace was reintroduced to the House.

2013: Representative Barbara Lee (D-California) introduced a substantially similar bill to the Kucinich bill. She has introduced updated versions in each session of Congress since then. BILL H.R.808 Revised. Along the same lines, Barbara Lee sponsored BILL H.R. 198 to repeal the authorization for use of military force.

Informational Videos toward Peaceful Coexistence

Marianne Williamson: We need a U.S. Department of Peace

Marianne Williamson is one of the few individuals speaking at the political level about adopting foundational changes is government such as creating a U.S. Department of Peace.

Marianne Williamson advocates to wage peace instead of war.

Sadhguru's Fearless & Honest Speech about World Peace

Sadhguru is one of the most influential voices for the upliftment of humanity, all inclusive wellbeing, and soil regeneration. #savesoil He has created the Institute for inner sciences and can learn about his foundation at

Sadhguru's Fearless & Honest Speech about World Peace